FellnasenBande - Medizinisches
altersbedingte HHL, Paralyse der Hinterbeine, Ataxi

Hier werden nur Infos über mögliche Ursachen von einseitig- oder beidseitig herausstehenden Augen der Ratte
Ich hatte schon öfter herausstehende Augen bei meinen Ratten, ein- oder beidseitig. Die herausstehenden Augen
waren aber nicht immer zu sehen, oft war die "Augengröße" wieder normal.
Ursachen hierfür waren aber nie Tumore oder Abszesse hinterm Auge.
(rechtes Auge: Auge ok, aber  Gebärmutterentzündung und Hypophysentumor)

Verschiedenes aus dem Net :

Megaloglobus is a pathologic enlargement of the globe of the eye of the rat due to various causes. These causes
may include a genetic tendency to retain the pupillary membrane or a viral infection, specifically sialodacryoadenitis virus.
There is no known treatment, other than enucleation, for the condition, which is occasionally a finding in pets or research animals.
Rats have shallow eye sockets and normal handling of the rat may result in a distressing (to the handler) protrusion of
the eyes. Normal handling will not proptose the eyeball, however. http://www.tbzmed.ac.ir/animalhouse/pdf/Biology%20and%20Medicine%20of%20Rats.pdf

Exophthalmos in ageing rats with Harderian gland disease  T. L. W. Rothwell and A. V. Everitt
Exophthalmos was detected in 5% rats from a total population. All cases occurred in rats aged 401 days or older.
The highest incidence was in hypophysectomized male rats in the age range 801-1295 days where 15% were affected.
Exophthalmos was bilateral in only two rats.  A surprising finding was chronic inflammation of varying severity in most of the Harderian glands
examined, even from animals without exophthalmos.
Exophthalmos was associated with very severe inflammation, sometimes with cystic dilatation of some gland alveoli. Inflammation was
manifested by infiltration of the interstitial tissue with lymphocytes, plasma cells and variable numbers of neutrophils which, together with some
fibrosis, led to destruction of lobules in severely affected glands. ...

Gelegentlich können chronische Augenprobleme bestehen bleiben, vermutlich als Folge der destruktiven Auswirkungen der Harderian-Drüse
und anderer Tränendrüsen. Es ist bewiesen, dass es zu einer Verminderung des Tränenflusses kommen kann, welche das Auge für
Fremdkörper und Bakterien angreifbar macht.

Copyright by Franziska




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